Tuesday, March 17, 2009

27 is gonna be a good year?

Well, four days in and it's pretty much sucked. Saturday night, I had a karaoke festival for my birthday. I drank more sake than I can even keep track of. Roomate lost a shoe. My dad picked us up at 4AM at the train station. It was a mess. I spend more than 20 hours in bed after that. In fact, by the time Monday rolled around, i still wasn't 100%. Obviously, I'm not in college anymore. My body cannot handle this nonsense. Who do I think I am?

And what did Monday bring? A 20% cut in employees in my office. Luckily, I was saved from the chopping block. Thankfully, and surprisingly, since I've only been there for 7 months. I must be doing something right. Still, it was a gloomy, eerie day. Everyone was on edge, and it wasn't until 3PM that we realized the layoffs were over.

I got home to learn that my father ran over my beautiful $500 bike. Sad. It was less than a year old. I saved up and went to about 80 bike shops to find it last June. And not only did he run over it, but then he decided to back up to figure out what it was.... yup, it was my bike. With a bent frame, torn seat, arched wheel. Much less beautiful. Now, since I'm planning on doing the 5-boro bike tour in May, I've got to find myself a new one.

Today, by 10AM, shit hit the fan at work. So, that was a fun mess to clean up. It's actually not even cleaned up yet. I was at work til 7 tonight. That might not seem like a lot, but at a place that's typically 9-5, that's very odd.

Anyway, here's to hoping that Wednesday works out better. gees.

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